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Bullying can be stopped through mass awareness program

In The


It is time for high school teacher to take the front seat and kill this menace

October is the stop bullying month

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Although the phenomenon of bullying has been in existence since the first semblance of society emerged (Hudson-Davis et al. 2015), it has not been paid due attention up until recently. At present, the subject matter is explained from the perspective of the primitive instinct to compete for a higher position in the social hierarchy. According to the identified theory, two primary types of bullying can be isolated from the rest of behavioral patterns among students in modern schools, i.e., direct and indirect one. At present, the total number of students that have ever experienced bullying constitutes 21.5%, which is an excruciatingly much. The 5,386,000 students out of the total of 25,013,000 reported being bullied in 2012 globally (U.S. Department of Education 2013), which is already a huge number. Given the fact that a lot of students prefer silencing the situation for a number of reasons (e.g., fear of being laughed at, humiliated, etc.), the situation is evidently getting out of control. This website offers solution to high school teachers on the best straegies to apply to manage the bullying menace in the classroom and outside environment.

Rationale  for the Program

Though evidently not new, the issue of bullying will never wear out its welcome in discussions and is unlikely to ever disappear from the social agenda (UNICEF 2016). Despite numerous measures undertaken so far in order to address the issue, it still continues to be a significant problem in the school environment that inhibits the learning process and creates major impediments for bullied learners to develop the necessary communication patterns, achieve personal growth, and succeed in their academic life. The situation is just as dire in Australia. Although schools are supposed to play “Schools play a vital role in promoting the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and aesthetic development and wellbeing of young Australians” (Ministral Council on Education, Employment, Training, and Youth Affairs 2008, p. 5), bullying rates reduce the quality of education and affect students’ lives in a most negative way. An analysis carried out lately has shown that 10-20% of children get bullied on the Internet (Australian Institute of Family Studies 2014). At school, the statistics is even worse – 20% male and 13% female students aged 8-18 report being bullied at school (Australian Human Rights Commission 2016). Thus, there is a need to address the delicate issue of bullying at school so that the students’ well-being cannot not be jeopardized.

Types of Bullying

There are many types of bullying and each type has a different cause. The type of bullying that includes physical contact like hitting or injuring another person is called Physical Bullying. It also includes taking other people’s property and destroying it on purpose is also considered a type of physical bullying. Studies show that in high schools 30.5% of bullying used are physical bullying (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 1). Verbal bullying includes calling some one names and making fun of them, it can include the way someone looks, religion, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. “46.5% of all bullying in high schools is the verbal type” her (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 2), verbal bullying is high because it is the easiest to do because it only includes what the person says and the bully most likely can deny any accusations made against him or her (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 2). Similar to verbal bullying there Indirect bullying where the bully is not bullying the victim directly, but instead spreading rumors or something personal and embarrassing about the victim, “accounts for 18.5% of all bullying” (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 3). Social alienation “is when a bully excludes someone from a group on purpose. It also includes a bully spreading rumors, and also making fun of someone by pointing out their differences” (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 4). However Intimidation is when a bully uses their power to make the victim do what they want by threating them and frightening them (Oracle ThinkQuest, 2008, para 5). The last types bullying is Cyber bullying, which wasn’t very popular a few years ago, but now as the technology is becoming more accessible and is widely used by teenagers cyber bullying becomes very popular. This is because sending rumors or personal pictures through messaging this also includes e-mails, Facebook etc.

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