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The current policies approved by the Australian educational institutions are geared toward managing the emergent conflicts as well as preventing the situations from occurring in the future so that students could have “a sense of optimism about
their lives and the future” (Ministral Council on Education, Employment, Training, and Youth Affairs 2008, p. 9). Indeed, a careful look at the strategies presently available to educators will show that the focus of the models designed to prevent bullying is twofold. In other words, both addressing the emergent issues and designing the environment, in which learners will not be inclined to engage in aggressive behavior, is promoted. Claiming that the present-day Australian policies on addressing the problem are immaculate would be quite a stretch, though.

It is also quite important that the current resources shed a lot of light on the issue of parental involvement. Indeed, the significance of family support can hardly be overrated when it comes to shaping the victim’s behavior and perception of their self, as a recent study indicated. The Australian state policies on the promotion of anti-bullying campaigns and strategies point to the necessity to engage parents in the process by enhancing the significance of the “support for the development and wellbeing of young people and their families” (Ministral Council on Education, Employment, Training, and Youth Affairs 2008, p. 10). To be more accurate, the state authorities stress the significance of telling the children about the threat, as well as the tools for its prevention and management: “Talk to your child about cyberbullying before it happens. Work out strategies to address cyberbullying that both of you are comfortable with so your child knows what to expect if they do report their concerns to you” (New South Wales Department of Education 2016, par. 5).

However, as the excerpt provided above shows quite graphically, the current emphasis on the issue of cyberbullying shoves the phenomenon of traditional bullying into shadows, making teachers and parents underrate it significantly. Therefore, it is recommendable that the contemporary guidelines for parents and teachers about the problem in question should focus on school bullying as much as on its Internet version.

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Academic Enrichment


The mission of the anti-bullying program is to enlighten the high school teacher on appropriate policy-based intervention mechanisms that are ideal in the school environment.

Potential Anti Bullying Programs

​The potential intervention programs that can be applied by high school teachers to address the bullying menace are summarized below.

1. Creating anti-bullying culture:

It is quite remarkable that a lot of researchers point to the necessity to create an anti-bullying culture at the earliest stages of learners’ development. The corresponding program should be launched in secondary schools. In fact, by promoting the idea of educating students about bullying at a comparatively young age, the scholars bring up a very important fact about the problem. Particularly, a number of teachers share a common misconception that children have an intrinsic understanding of what bullying is and, therefore, an immediate aversion to it. Thus, the promotion of the corresponding cultural and ethical values, as well as the provision of the behavioral model that the learners can follow when shaping their relationships with their peers can be viewed as the first and the most important step in addressing the bullying issue.

2. Creating a safe learning environment

It is important to create a safe environment within the high school setup to minimize the occurrence of bullying related challenges. The safety of the learners should be enhanced in the school. Seeing that a range of students do not feel secure in the environment of their educational institution, it is crucial that the safety rates should be restored. As a result, the learners that often fall prey to bullies may put a stop to asserting the position of a victim and take the corresponding measures (e.g., inform the authorities, the parents, etc.) to manage the situation.

Actual Program: Mass Awareness Program
There is no solution to totally dismiss the behavior of bullying. Also bullying is an issue that can’t be stopped 100% in high schools. Still, bullying can be reduced with the help of people being more aware of the issue and trying to find possible solutions to help those learners who feels that there is nothing more they can do (Barry, 2008). Bullying policies should be enforced in all high schools and students should be aware of the consequences of bullying on another. In this way, they would be more careful to what they would to the victim or to what extent they would bully one another. The most important prevention program is victims of bullies should always know that they have someone to talk to, or a safe place to go to talk to someone about what they are going through. This way, the bullies can be prevented before it becomes very dangerous and lead to serious consequences.More importantly, the program will help build stronger ties between students and their parents so that the latter could provide their children with sufficient support and assistance in case the problem appears. As a result, educators will be able to engage parents in managing the issue of bullying in the school environment.
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